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Friday, September 27, 2013

Aerobic Exercise for Weight Loss

Aerobic exercise is used for weight loss by millions of people from around the world. The term "aerobic" actually means "with air (or oxygen)" and it refers to the fact that the muscles work without reaching the anaerobic (without oxygen) state that accompanies a heavy lifting or long-distance running routine. But for most of us, the term aerobic has come to mean a dance-like routine done with music, often at a gym.

Aerobics for weight loss can be fun.

It can be a little intimidating to watch an experienced aerobics class at the gym. If you haven't done any exercise for years, or if you're overweight, it may seem absolutely impossible to move that fast for so long. And you can easily convince yourself that you aren't coordinated enough.

However, aerobic activity, especially aerobic routines, can be wonderful for helping you lose weight. After your weight loss, these exercises can help you maintain your weight. So find a beginners class at your local gym or YWCA, or get started at home with one of the many videos especially created to teach aerobics for weight loss.

Also be sure to remember that the aerobics dance routines are not the only aerobic activities that help you lose weight. Walking, swimming, biking, and the martial arts all use muscles aerobically - and all are also excellent for your heart. Aerobic dance routines are great, but there are other ways to get your heart-smart exercise.

In order to lose fat you must stick to whatever you do. Try to do the same routine for some weeks and then expect results.

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