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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Liver Cleansing Diet Aids in Weight Loss

Cleansing the liver not only improves health, but also helps establish a healthy body weight. Improved liver function can lead to a better appetite, and for those wanting to lose weight it can help to avoid food cravings.

The liver is designed to remove natural toxins from the blood. However, many of the unnatural toxins we digest daily can lead to a sluggish, congested liver and this can affect energy levels and develop into serious health problems.

For the first few days of the diet, it is recommended that you avoid red meats, sweet food, bread rich recipes, salt and fried foods. Foods that contain additives and preservatives or foods that are high in artificial or natural sugar are high in toxins and place an unnecessary strain on the liver.

When the toxins build up, this limits the liver's ability to eliminate wastes and digest food which leads to toxic buildup in other organs and tissues. A liver cleansing diet can provide the necessary nutrients to cleanse the liver and restore its important functions.

A Liver Cleansing Diet requires you to drink plenty of water to help flush toxins from your system. Its good to concentrate on eating foods high in fiber like whole grains and low in saturated fats and sugars. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, including fruit juice provides vitamins and enzymes which aid in the digestion process. If you do not usually eat fruits and vegetables in your diet, you may experience headaches, dizziness, fatigue or nausea at the onset of this diet.

Also fish is good as a low fat source of protein and green leaf salads that don't contain fatty dressings.

Because the Liver Cleansing Diet is low in fat intake, it helps with weight loss.

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